Monday, January 9, 2012


Hello everyone!!!
Well, im here! Alive and well. Woke up at 3:00am on Wednesday and headed out. Cool experience on the airplane. But I dont have time for that story. Well, I thought I was going to Brazil, but im now in Nebraska. Who thought I was going to a hick town where all they do is farm? I would be considered one of those but boy oh boy was I wrong!!! I am serving in the Conestoga Area. My ward consists of about 30 members! The Bishop isnt even from this area, but they need strong people to keep the branch alive. So, want to here all about it here? I am in the most thug/gangster/hood part of the world!! I swear this is like compton. I went to highschool with maybe 10 black people..max!! Here, I dont even think Ive seen 10 white people! Everyone is either black or asian. They are all refugees. Its gets a little scary.. but anyway; right when I got here, we went to go teach a lesson to a man named Dal and his family. They are from Bhutan and dont speak English. Dal speaks a little bit so we taught in the most simple form ever and he translated. Pretty weird. Then they said the closing was different. In Nepali! Super crazy. Another Story!! So we were going to see this lady and we walked up tp the house and there was a man sitting on her porch. We walked up and he had a huge beer in his hands chugging the thing. He was cussing at us and such, but we got talking to him and he had JUST got out of jail. He said "If the cops see me, Im going to go back!!" Uhhhh...did he escape? Pretty weird. He said there is no wasy possible he could change because he wants to be a "(explicit) gangster" his whole life! haha, it was so funny! There are a lot of crips walking around. TONS of gangs. Im pretty sure we have the biggest drug house right down the road. Pretty crazy, huh? oh, we stopped this guy on the street and we asked if we could go to his house and teach a quick lesson. He took us to this super dark alley and then said "could you hold on, i need to take care of some business" well he ran off with a huge hand full of cash, ran around to the front, and watched a drug deal go down like...50 feet from us. It was too sketchy so we left. I see them all the time. So yeah, I thought I was coming to Nebraska but Ive been to more cultures than i could ever imagine! Another Story..and this one is the best...So we were going to teach a man named Ahchrist. He is a refugee from Burma. We walked up to his house and he invited us in. There were like 30 people stuffed in this room all sitting on the floor singing super loudly. Supposedly it was someones birthday as well as a church service. Well, I had no clue what was going on. I was saying a prayer that hopefully we could somehow get a message across. And the end, the pastor guy stood up and spoke English to us and thanked us for coming over. He wanted us to share a message about Jesus Christ and he would translate!! How awesome is that?! Such a cool experience. Then..they asked us to stay for dinner. They eat Japanese style..without the chopsticks. We all sat in a circle on these mat things and they brought out a bunch of bowls of..stuff. Not really sure what it was. Then we ate. They brought us forks but the others..they ate with their hands. Oh, I forgot to say that it was a soup like substance. Very. Very. INTERESTING! So there you have it, Ive been to Bhutan, Burma, and lots of African countries. There are so many people from Sudan and West Africa/Ghana! I love them!!! The darkest Ive ever seen in my life, but so friendly. Everyone is so friendly here! I love it! It is so stinking hard. But well worth it!!! Ive been fed well thanks to some awesome members of the church. I have soo many other stories but I dont have time to write them all. I wish I could but I have a time limit. That just means you will have to wait a couple years!
Out here, its a whole new world. Not just the culture, but the mission itself. WAY different than the MTC. Its real people this time! We have 3 people set up for baptism, we'll see if we can get them there though. Its so tough! Where im at, we have the most first lessons than anyone because people are so friendly. But they just cant give up their lifestyle. I went on exchanges and I taught a man from Poland. Shaky English, but he knew what I was saying. I invited him for baptism for the 21st of this month and he has been having doubts, but he accept and I really think he will! I love this work. Its hard, but worth it. I never thought I would be talking to the people Im talking to now. I never thought God had this in store for me. I didnt think God trusted me enough and knew I had enough faith. I still feel so inadequate when it comes to faith but its growing. It will come over time, but I know its coming!! I dont know my address because we just moved mission office like...yesterday. Sooo...I dont really know. I will either send it to you once I find out or...Maybe wait until next week. I dont know how much longer I will be here. Im guessing no more than 3 weeks. But probably within the next 10ish days I will leave. I dont know though because it is The Lords will, not my own. He has something planned greater than I could imagine.
Well, thats that for the week. I wish I could tell more awesome stories. But Im doing great everyone. Thanks for the prayers. I need them! Im praying for you all. I love you all..a lot!!! I just keep growing and I give all my thanks to my Savior Jesus Christ. This work is awesome! I love it! Its hard, sometimes I dont like my area at all but Ive learned so many wonderful lessons.
Until Next Week,
~Elder Ryken Lakey
(all the way from Omaha Nebraska...and no, not everyone are hicks!!)

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