Hello people!!!!
How the heck are you guys?! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! From the MTC...5 days before. But Merry Christmas none the less!!! I pray that everyones Christmas is wonderful this year. And the only way it will be wonderful is remember our Savios, Jesus Christ. So, it's up to you! Do you want a good Christmas?
This week has been awesome! We are teaching lessons by the Spirit now! We got a baptism commitment and We are getting new investigators and Im loving it! but check this out...One day, I had the worst day. I couldnt even construct a regular sentence. SO BAD! The next day, the best day Ive had so far. Isnt crazy how God works? I was humbled. He makes you realize the need for Him and truly humble yourself before Him before progressing! GREAT lesson I learned! Oh, we had incredible talks this week. Sister Elaine Dalton..AMAZING! Elder Heaton...AMAZING!!! Im blessed. Truly blessed to hear these servants of the Lord talk. And this week, Im hoping for 2 more! Elder Holland or Elder Uchdorf would be so cool! Cant wait!! Check back next week for details!
Christmas this year is going to be different. Its going to be hard not being with friends and family, but this Christmas is a Jesus Christ Christmas...and isnt that how they all are supposed to be? We are going to have sacrament meeting with the WHOLE MTC! Thousands of people getting the sacrament. I cant wait! And we get 2 movies. Im really pumped!!!
Okay...the following is a true story that might be the best part of the MTC thus far.. Read carefully. Friday. Fantastic day. We got a new elder in our district only for the weekend (thats not important though) Anyway, he needed to practice piano because he was going to play in his ward. So just he and I went while the other two Elders went back. We were supposed to be back by 1:30 but didnt get back until 1:45. I thought of an excuse. Anyway, right when i walked in, elder carver said "what took you guys so long?" I went on to tell him how President Brown (the mtc president) stopped us because he heard us playing. He asked us if we would play in the next devotional because we sounded so good. I told them that Brown said that we can have 7 people singing. Elder carver was super excited. Elder Ham just about peed his pants. Well, there were only 3 of us singers so they went and recruited 3 others to come and sing. At this point, i wasnt expecting this little prank to last this long but it was too funny so i kept it going. Next thing I know, we were practicing our parts and practicing singing this. I have no clue how i wasnt laughing, but I held it in! They were saying stuff like "Guys! we are going to be famous! theyre going to broadcast us to all the MTC's!" and "When we are judged, God is going to play back this preformance and he is going to be so proud!" and "Guys..we arent good. WE are going to have to skip dinner and study to practice!!" Well...I was going to keep it up all the way to the devotional, but i didnt want to skip classes and study time. So, I told them it was all a joke! Elder Carver actually said "No, youre just kidding! Nice try! I cant wait!" He really thought that I was kidding about pranking them and he kept practicing. Need less to say, they were mad. But I was happy. One of the funnier things ive done in my life and! If only you guys could have seen it, you would have been proud!!! :)
Well, other than that, not a lot going on. I am scuba diving in the scriptures right now. the pages look like a journal and coloring book! Im proud of it. Language is still getting better. and oh...IM LEAVING SUPER SOON!! I dont feel ready, but definately ready to get out of here and help the people waiting for the truth! There is something special about this work! I dont have anymore time so no shout outs. But if you want to write me, then go ahead!! I could always read some love! ;)
Anyway, I have to fly. Have a wonderful day, week, and Christmas! I love you all. Thanks for the support, love, and prayers! God is real. and Jesus Christ lives!!
Um Abraço,
Elder Lakey!!
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